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Terms and Conditions

1. Club Constitution
The Club is incorporated as Kentish Town Youth Football Trust (“the Trust”), a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Charity Reg No: 1161485. The Trust is administered by a number of Trustees, who are appointed from time to time, generally from amongst parents of children attending the club.
2. Objects
The object of Kentish Town Youth Football Trust is to advance and promote amateur sport to young people living in the London Borough of Camden and the surrounding area, in particular by providing the opportunity and facilities for playing football so as to promote their physical, mental and spiritual capacities so that the conditions of their lives may be improved.
As a not for profit Club, Kentish Town aims to provide the highest quality football coaching at the lowest possible cost, with the aim of removing any barriers to the most talented young footballers realising their potential.
3. Status of Rules
These Rules (the “Club Rules”) set out the Club’s expectations of trustees, coaches, players and parents and are considered binding for the purposes of its administration. These rules are subject to, and should be read as being wholly consistent with the Constitution of the Trust (“the Constitution”), which is available on demand. However, where there are any conflicts between the two documents, the Constitution shall take precedence.
4. Rules and Regulations
(a) So far as is consistent with the club’s status as a charity and the terms of the Constitution the Trustees of the Club shall so exercise their rights, powers and duties and shall, where appropriate, use their best endeavours to ensure that others conduct themselves so that the business and affairs of the Club are carried out in accordance with the Rules and Regulation of The Football Association Limited (“The FA”), County Football Association to which the Club is affiliated (“Parent County Association”) and Competitions in which the Club participates, for the time being in force.
(b) No alteration to these Club Rules shall be effective without written approval by the Parent County Association. The FA and the Parent County Association reserve the right to approve any proposed changes to the Club Rules.
(c) The Club will also abide by The FA’s Safeguarding Children Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy as shall be in place from time to time.
(d) Members of the Club and their Parents are also considered to be subject to relevant FA Codes of Conduct, including in particular the Respect Code of Conduct. Failure to meet the expectations of the Code may provide grounds for suspension or expulsion from the Club.
(e) Subject to (b), these rules may be amended from time to time by the Trustees to ensure the good management and administration of the Club. Where changes are made, members will be informed of those changes at the earliest opportunity, and will be considered to be subject to the amended rules from the point of that notice being given.
5. Club Membership
(a) The members of the Club from time to time shall be those persons listed in the register of members (the “Membership Register”) which shall be maintained by the Club Secretary.
(b) Membership of the Club shall be open to children under the age of 16, regardless of disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
(c) Where places are limited in any age group due to available facilities or coaching capacity, priority will be given to those children showing most footballing potential and children who might otherwise face problems accessing high quality football coaching.
(d) Any person who wishes to become a member must apply on the Membership Application Form, which is available online. Membership shall become effective upon an applicant’s name being entered in the Membership Register.
(e) In the event of a member’s resignation or expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the Membership Register.
(f) The FA and Parent County Association shall be given access to the Membership Register on demand.
6. Membership Fees
(a) Membership fees and subscriptions for different classes of membership payable by each member shall be determined from time to time by the Club Trustees and set at levels that will not preclude open membership of the Club. Any fees shall be payable on a successful application for membership and monthly thereafter by each member. Fees shall not be repayable.
(b) The Trustees shall have the authority to levy further subscriptions from the members as are reasonably necessary to fulfil the objects of the Club.
(c) Trustees may, exceptionally and subject to available resources, make provision for a limited number of discounted or waived fees (“Bursary Places”) where evidence is presented of genuine hardship or inability to pay and the child in questionhasexceptionaltalentwhichmightotherwisenotbedeveloped. Theaward of Bursary Places will always be time limited and subject to periodic review to ensure award criteria continue to be met.
7. Suspension, Resignation and Expulsion
(a) A player shall cease to be a member of the Club if, and from the date on which, he/she gives notice to the Club Committee of his/her resignation.
(b) A member whose subscription is in arrears shall have their membership of the Club suspended until payment of outstanding sums has been made. Where such payment is not made within two months, they will be considered to have resigned from the Club.
(c) Club members are expected to comply with the training expectations set out each season in the player briefing pack. Where, in particular, a member is failing to regularly attend all training sessions for their age group without good cause, their membership of the Club may be suspended or terminated.
(d) The Trustees shall have the power to suspend or remove a member from membership only for good cause such as failure of parent or player to comply with the FA’s Respect Code of Conduct, or other conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. An appeal against such a decision may be made to the Trustees. A member shall have the right to make an oral representation to Trustees before any decision on removal.

8. Trustees
(a) The Trustees of Kentish Town Youth Football Trust are appointed under the terms of the Constitution of the Trust and shall be responsible for the management of all the affairs of the Club. Decisions of the Trustees are made in accordance with the terms of the Constitution and these Rules.
(b) Save as provided for in the Rules and Regulations of The FA, the Parent County Association and any applicable Competition, the Trustees shall have the power to decide all questions and disputes arising in respect of any issue concerning the Club Rules.
(c) The position of a Trustee shall be vacated if such a person is subject to a decision of The FA that such person be suspended from holding office or from taking part in any football activity relating to the administration or management of a football club.
(d) Trustees are indemnified out of the assets of the Club in relation to any liability properly incurred by him or her in that capacity. The Club will provide indemnity insurance to cover this risk.
12. Club Finances
(a) A bank account shall be opened and maintained in the name of the Club (the “Club Account”). Designated account signatories shall be identified from amongst Trustees and Club Coaches. No sum shall be drawn from the Club Account except by cheque signed by two designated signatories, one of whom must be a Trustee. All monies payable to the Club shall be deposited in the Club Account.
(b) The Club shall keep accounting records for recording the fact and nature of all payments and receipts so as to disclose, with reasonable accuracy, at any time, the financial position, including the assets and liabilities of the Club. The Club must retain its accounting records for a minimum of six (6) years.
(c) The Club shall prepare an annual “Financial Statement” in such format as shall be available from The FA from time to time. The Financial Statement shall be verified by an independent, appropriately qualified accountant and shall be approved by members at a General Meeting. A copy of any Financial Statement shall, on demand, be forwarded to The FA.

Other policies are available here